Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Craiova City Hall Has To Payback

The City Hall of Craiova made a chain of outlaw activities and now is ready to pay. All of them are football related. As a matter of fact a city hall can not support a football club. Or it should not do that. The mayor of Craiova did more than this. Lia Olguta Vasilescu destroyed the old football club and replaced it with a new one having the same colors, almost the same symbols and a similar name. 
This is the cost for such an action:
- €1,000,000 to start the new team and providing good conditions for training and playing their games
- €1,500,000 unpaid taxes by the new team, unpaid utilities and other expenses most of them because of using the stadium of Craiova
- €2,000,000 for canceling the opened action in court against FRF. This was the requested amount as material damages because of Romanian Football Federation abuse against FC Universitatea Craiova. City Hall of Craiova asked initially this money and canceled the process once the new football team was created.
- other expenses representing black money spent and washed through the new football club CSU Craiova.
- other expenses representing moral and material damages for destroying of  FC U Craiova. 

Being in such a situation the City Hall of Craiova has compromised their budget for next year. Waiting to see what will happen now...

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