Universitatea Craiova made a great match yesterday. When you win with 4-0 there is nothing which remains to say.
15.000 fans come to "Ion Oblemenco" stadium to see the show. Because Universitatea Craiova made a show in front of them.
In the 30th minute, Dorel Stoica had a powerfull shoot from a free kick at 40 m by the goal of Farul Constanta. The Farul's goalkeeper returned the ball in the field and Florin Costea scored for 1-0. 7 minutes later Wobay and Costea created a good opportunity for Tanasa who made 2-0. After 2 minutes Prepelita pased for Joshua Rose who put Tanasa alone in the front of the goal. Craiova's striker did not miss and the score became 3-0.
In the second half of the game, Wobay was the one who gave another assist for Tanasa. And the hattrick was succeded. Goal scorers: Costea ’33, Tănasă ’40, ’42, ’76
A new hip-hop band from Craiova made a song dedicated to Oltenia region. This is a part of Romania which lives to support Universitatea Craiova. Without using demanding words, Universitatea Craiova is a religion for this part from Romania.This new band is called C.I.A. which stands for Craiova Independent Artists, and the song is Olteniada.
I can give you all the lyrics of it, but unfortunately they are all in Romanian language:
C.I.A. - Olteniada feat. Mutu, MCA & Dj Hash
Ca vorbim de Tudor Gheorghe, Balaci sau Amza Pelea Rashid, Byga, Mutu, Phila, MCA sau Alex Velea Simtim la fel, gandim la fel, traim la fel Avem acelasi sange, acelasi vis, acelasi tel Noi am deschis un drum interzis pana acum Nu iese fum fara foc da' nici foc fara fum Aveti in fata o noua generatie, in strada pentru natie Un nou punct de atractie Monden, nu, in nici un caz, aici nu cer Sa se mute Prada , Richmond sau Dior in cartier Nu cer masini, le avem deja pe toate aici De la Dacii ruginite pana la Bmw seria 5 “Dolla dolla million”, asta vrem sa avem S-aruncam industria muzicala in aer cu tot cu sistem Cu tot cu CNA, cu toate curvele din presa Atentie copii puteti gasi olteni pe piesa
Noi ne pastram credinta in inimi langa Stiinta Si sangele fierbinte din Lapus in Craiovita Iesim din cartiere in zgomot de mortiere Mirosu’ de asfalt si bassu’ in portiere Perfectu’ e prea simplu aici, deci ne bucuram de defecte Suntem deja prea multi chiar daca nimeni nu ne vede C.I.A. , Mutu , Viollent si MCA C-avem ce arata si raspundem ca RCA De aici in 10 ani vom fi tot aici nu pentru bani Nici pentru fani, nici pentru pizde, ca le avem deja Si daca muzica ne facem sa spunem ce simtim O sa cantam si fara bani, asta conteaza prea putin Dar e nevoie si de asta intelege Ca fara apreciere nu poti face sa se lege Macar doua cuvinte, ce sufletul le simte Daca eu iti dau ce simt sa cumpere cine simte !
N-am nimic cu Bucurestiu', acolo se-ntampla tot Insa, o singura chestie nu halesc deloc Suferinte gen "*****, noi suntem din capitala" Cand toti va trageti din neamuri de undeva din tara Intrebati-va parintii, sigur nu se dezic Asta daca nu le-a fost ciobanu' Bucur strabunic Si chiar si-asa, hai sa dam mana cu mana Desi, tot parca seaman-a dinastie de stana Hoo, ma ca glumeam, stiu ca acum zambesti Da' mai patimasi si patrioti ca noi n-o sa gasesti Tot ce-auzi facem cu drag si zau ca are haz Si ne e lejer, c-o durere maxima-n praz Aici chiar e hip-hop, asculta, nu deliram Fara influentze grave, mereu ne reinventam Pana si judetu' e element indiscutabil Cu mii de DJ inmatriculati in carosabil !
Suntem olteni adica suntem multi Osteni gata sa mute munti, gusteri sar sprinteni da-s mult prea muti S-ar tripa dar cad pe rand pierduti Las' ca-s demult tinuti in cuib multi pe baricade dati disparuti Scuip ascuns printre betoane intr-o metropola ce sare Din tipare, muzica sacra ce cade greu in timpane Spui ca sunt taran priveste in dotare Am bate, seceri, coase, baieti cu priviri brutale Sunt vremuri grele noi avem zile cu soare Acelasi sange in vene vere provincie latina nemuritoare Condusi la razboi, decimand zeci de armate Vegheati de Mihai , Arghezi si vocea lui Tudor in spate Deci lupta taras pe coate cu truda suporta forte brute Dau pace din valcea pana in rovine oricarei redute Dau gloante de avertisment fugi, du-te, fereste-te O ardem ca la Craiova “gen” vrei sa ne opresti ? Opreste-te !
Hip-hopu' n-a murit, intre noi doar fie vorba S-a mutat mai hacana, ia ghici unde? la Craiova Febra Sudului contamineaza tara Cu flow-uri ametitoare-n cascade ca Niagara Nu seamana a nimic, suna putin altfel Orice rima, orice beat, suna putin altfel Pentru ca suntem aparte, insa ne vezi peste tot Si ne recunosti usor, dupa vorba, dupa port Din zeci de mii de inimi ce tuna pe Oblemenco Venim in pas allegro mai spontani ca trupa Deko Zburdam pe orice tempo, aroma a la Prazilia Cu Proxima Evita, ViolLent, ori La Familia Avem oltencele fiebinti ca zilele lungi ale verii Noptile nebune-cu picaturile reci ale berii Iti luam ceasu' de la mana, nu vezi nimic inapoi Ca de-acum ora exacta se da numai la noi !
Ştiinţa presented their players yesterday on “Ion Oblemenco” stadium. The match for presentation was played against FC Caracal (Second League team). The final score was 3-0 and it leave me speachless. Craiova used the new ADIDAS T-shirts which will be the equipment provider for the year 2007-2008. It seems it bring us good luck. Universitatea Craiova - FC Caracal 3-0 Goal scores: Stoica ‘5, Wobay ’53, Baird ’67.
These days in South America was played Copa America. A competition which gather the most important American national football teams. As everybody wanted to in the final game played Argentina versus Brazil. The score was 3-0 for "Cariocas" but this result doesn't matter to much for us. We have two girls who represent those both countries. One of them is Sabrina Sabrok, the front girl of a rock band from Argentina.
And the other one is a Brazil's fan babe. They both have something to show. But you are the only one who decide which one fits better with your taste.
Constanta, Romania. On the Black See beach there is a place dedicated for Cuba. It is called Havana beach.Mamaia is a holiday town which is prepared for the tourists who like the sun and the salt water. If you arrive in Romania, I sugest you to visit it.
There are a lot of hotels, night clubs, disco bars and more than all open air restaurants. You can eat almost everything from Romanian traditional kitchen to Italian, Turkish or even Greek food. If you go there, you will like the trip.
Trainer: Michel Preud’homme. Universitatea: Bornescu - Ciucă, Stoica, Mitchell - Dănănae, Gărgălie (’62 Săceanu), Prepeliţă (’75 Gârlă), Rose (’80 Velcovici) - Dina (’40 Wobay), Costea ('69 Stoianof), Baird (’89 Pârvu). Trainer: Florin Cioroianu. Yellow cards: Defour / Baird, Mitchell, Gârlă. Red card: Dănănae ’81. Demolished in Andenne Strapping men, these Roumanians Standard broke the teeth, yesterday on the ground of Andenne, a team of Craoiva, in training course in... Latvia, of an excellent level. The inhabitants of Liège ran after the score, in vain... The Standard wiped, yesterday evening with Andenne, its first defeat in its preparation campaign, by undergoing the law of the Romanian team of Universitatea Craiova (0-2). The players inhabitant of Liège had however begun the debates in an ideal way, by sparing of entry two superb occasions. On a flight of Walasiak initially, diverted by Bornescu, consecutive with a handing-over of Mbokani and a center of Marcos, on a resumption of the head of Mbokani then, which was assembled higher than the Romanian defenders on a blow of corner of Papassarantis. In the tread, Prerelita took Dante speed to mislead De Vriendt. A catastrophic scenario... "Especially vis-a-vis to Roumanians afterwards", Michel Preud'homme will say. "With the Italian teams, the Romanian formations are most difficult to operate when they carry out to the score. Remarkably organized, they do not leave any more and do not take any more the least risk... " In fact, the Standard, in spite of creditable efforts, never found the solution with its problems. Its players showed themselves too awkward in the last gesture, multiplaint the losses of ball. It is only at the end of the part that they arrived to repointer the end of the nose, thanks to Camargo twice, on a center of Villano, then a blow of corner of Toama, before Dante and Marcos do not loupent little the objective. Craiova then carried out 0-2, on a goal registered by Stoianof, of a sending dispatched in the ceiling of the cage of Vriendt. "One tried to make the play, to play forwards, offensively, like always, but we fell on a well oiled team, of a very good level, face to which it was difficult to make jump the bolt", still Michel Preud'homme released. "the result disappoints me, but it is an adversary which I had wished to defy because I knew that the task would be difficult. It is more interesting, because that allows corrections... "
Universitatea Craiova lost one more game in Austria, this time against Levski Sofia. Florin Cioroianu used the foolowing team: Bornescu - Ciucă, Stoica (Garla 40'), Mitchell - Dănănae (Dilevski 77'), Gărgălie, Săceanu (Lutu 80'), Rose (Velcovici 77') - Dina (Stoianof 45'), Wobay (Parvu 65'), Baird (Costea 45') The goals were scored by Domovşiski ('5, 70'), Iovov ('35), Baltanov ('88)
Universitatea Craiova met yesterday Wisla Krakow in a friendly match played in Austria at Grosspetersdorfva. The result of the game was 2-0 for the team from Polandbecause of the goals scored by Kmiecik ’37, Paulista ’70 (panalty kick).
This is my football team. For those of you who are non British, I am talking about a soccer team.
Universitatea Craiova has a great history and is one of the most representative teams in Romanian football. Our team get 4 times the champion title and won 6 times the Romanian football cup.
I hope the story will not end here. Forza Stiinta!